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Zhe "Jay" Shan, Ph.D. 

Assistant Professor
Department of Information Systems and Analytics (ISA)
Farmer School of Business
Miami University
800 E. High St. Oxford, OH 45056

Office: (513) 529-2135
Fax: (513) 556-5499
Email: jayshan at miamioh dot edu
School page:

Personal page:

(last updated on 5/14/2021)


  • Ph.D. in Business Administration and Operations Research (Major in Information Systems, Minor in Statistics), Penn State University, 2011
  • M.Phil. in Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong , 2003
  • B.Sc. in Computer Science, Nanjing University, 2000


  • ISA 632 Big Data Analytics and Modern AI (Spring, 2021)
  • ISA414/514 Managing Big Data (Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Fall 2020)
  • ISA245 Database Systems and Data Warehousing (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)
  • @ University of Cincinnati (2013-2018)
    • IS7034 Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
    • IS7036 Data Mining for Business Intelligence
    • IS8080 Independent Study on 1) Text Analytics, 2) Big Data Analytics, 3) Social Media Analytics
  • @ Manhattan College (2011-2013): CIS 110 Introduction to Infortion System, CIS 227 Business Statistics, BUAN 327 Advanced Business Statistics
  • @ Penn State (2006-2011): MIS 434 Internet Technology & E-commerce

Research Interests:

  • Patient-centered Healthcare
  • FinTech Innovation
  • Information Security Management
  • Business Process Analytics

Selected Papers:

  1. Feng Mai, Dawei Zhang, Zhe Shan, Dong-Gil Ko: Is COVID-19 Widening the Racial Digital Divide in Healthcare? Evidence from Patient Portal Usage (research-in-progress), presented at 2020 Health Information Technology Symposium (HITS 2020), Dec 2020. (Feature Presentation - Best Paper)
  2. Rong Liu, Feng Mai, Zhe Shan, Ying Wu (in alphabetical order): Predicting Shareholder Litigation on Insider Trading from Financial Text: An Interpretable Deep Learning Approach. Information & Management, 57(8), Dec 2020.
  3. Rong Liu, Feng Mai, Zhe Shan, Ying Wu (in alphabetical order): Predicting Insider Trading from Financial Text: an Interpretable Deep Learning Approach. presented at 2020 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (FMA 2020), Oct 2020. (Semifinalist for the FinTech Best Paper Award)
  4. Georgiana Craciun, Wenqi Zhou, Zhe Shan: Discrete Emotions Effects on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Helpfulness: The Moderating Role of Reviewer Gender and Contextual Emotional Tone. Decision Support Systems, 130, Mar 2020.
  5. Akhil Kumar, Rong Liu, Zhe Shan: Is Blockchain a silver bullet for supply chain management? Technical challenges and research opportunities, Decision Sciences, 51(1), 8-37, Feb 2020.
  6. Andrew Harrison, Binny Samuel, Zhe Shan, Tianhai Zu, Michael Cook, Diksha Dawani: Learning to See the Hook: Comparing Phishing Training Approaches. presented at ICIS 2019, Dec 2019.
  7. Dong-Gil Ko, Feng Mai, Zhe Shan, David Zhang (in alphabetical order): Operational efficiency and patient-centered health care: A view from online physician reviews. Journal of Operations Management (UTD, FT50, ABS4*), 65(4), 353-379, Jun 2019.
  8. Jingguo Wang, Zhe Shan, Manish Gupta, H. Raghav Rao: A longitudinal study of unauthorized access attempts on information systems: The role of opportunity contexts. MIS Quarterly (UTD, FT50, ABS4*), 43(2), 601-622, Jun 2019. (Blog on LSE Business Review)
  9. Wenqi Zhou, Zhe Shan, Georgiana Craciun: No one trusts emotional women? Measuring the impact of discrete emotions on review helpfulness. presented at 17th Pre-ICIS Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2018), Dec 2018. (Best Paper Award)
  10. Feng Mai, Zhe Shan, Qing Bai, Xin Wang, Roger Chiang: How does social media impact Bitcoin value? A test of the silent majority hypothesis. Journal of Management Information Systems (FT50, ABS4), 35(1), 19-52, Mar 2018. (Blog on LSE Business Review)